Payment can be made either by personal check or via PayPal.

Personal checks can be made out to Historic Design Consulting and mailed to:

Mark Johnston

Historic Design Consulting LLC

451 Westfield Lane

Vadnais Heights, MN 55127

To pay via Paypal, simply request online payment in the Getting Started form and we will email a PayPal invoice.


For questions about other projects, including hands-on restoration, condition assessment reports, furniture repair,  please use the Getting Started form.

Historic Design Consulting Fee Schedule


Name, Exterior Color, Interior Color, Exteriors and Porches, Doors and Windows, Molding Stair Parts and Millwork, Maintenance Report, Maintenance Plan

Base Price, $599, $599, $599, $599, $599, $599, Contact us for a quote

Additions,  Each additional out-building add $59, Each additional room add $59,,,,

Other Charges, Custom-mixed colors add $50, Custom-mixed colors add $50, Rush fee for all reports add $50,,,
